art gallery
Featured Work from the 6th Annual SUNY Albany Creative Writing Professionalization Colloquium: Alyssa Berg
Each year, SUNY Albany’s English Department hosts a colloquium which draws UAlbany students and community members for an open discussion about making a life in the literary arts. For this year’s colloquium, on the theme of “Publishing Books,” we were joined by five panelists: Rebecca Wolff, Catherine Tung, Jeanne Thornton, Wren Hanks, and Alyssa Berg—whose work can be seen below. They discussed their experiences working at and running presses large and small (including Fence Books, Vintage Books, Instar Books, Sundress Publications, Seven Stories Press, and The Feminist Press), and addressed issues including scale, representation, staying afloat financially, and reaching your audience.
Alyssa is a Brooklyn-based artist who creates and self-publishes small edition zines, comics, and art books. She was the Fall 2017 artist in residence at the SVA RisoLab. In addition to her self-published books, her work has appeared in print in INK BRICK, Perfect Wave magazine, Smoke Signal and online at The Rumpus and Comics Workbook. More of her work can be seen on her tumblr.
Spring 2018 Artwork

See individual artists here.