"Lover & the Wild Rise" and "Poem After the Pilot's Gone Missing"
Lover & the Wild Rise
it’s hopeless
time & heart &
wrong & fall &
nets &
world & will &
mother & decay
& work
& slander & god
& flight & hollow
& always & come
come loneliness
flood you among it
voices shine for days
time’s bitter rise all
eyes but these lost
what to you is a heart
to me is a little room
a safe warm shadow
gloom brimmed up
pray for a storm
hide bitter blossom
mixed in breath
dead in a
strange place I
planted two bits
of wood & left her
boards over her face
a hound that follows
day and night hope &
desire & fear under his
feet I root out the sun
lie in darkness grunt
turn long for the end
I stand amid sighs
lay down my head
dim clouded lids
lovers pass 2x2
a stealthy wither
pale valley no cry
trees grow from
black turn to bare
sniff the wind sure
of change colors of
its fruit us subtle roots
plant quiet shakes in
the night make lips
murmur for a day
a circle a raven
unrest thought
ragged wings
tender claw
hunger all
things made
holy in god’s
unkind sleep
I hear horses
in your end
less dreams
their legs
hide in your
half closed
eyes hooves
plunge deep
in clay
in your breast
the hour of
Poem After the Pilot's Gone Missing
maybe we’re still climbing
flash at the end of a cloud
cigarette light parakeet shine
no stops or ends
rise sun flutter in all directions
moths rain mere cells
brushed against a wall
say I am weightless
Emily J. Cousins lives, teaches, and writes in Denver, CO. Her poems have appeared in, or are forthcoming from, Denver Quarterly, The Laurel Review, The Offbeat, Another Chicago Magazine, Bombay Gin, The Maine Review, The Collapsar, and elsewhere.