Jayne Cortez was born in Arizona, grew up in California, and currently lives in New York City and Dakar, Senegal. She is the author of ten books of poems and performer of her poetry with music on nine recordings. Her voice is celebrated for its political, surrealistic, dynamic innovations in visceral sound. Cortez has presented her work and ideas at universities, museums and festivals in Africa, Asia, Europe, South Carribean and the United States. Her poems have been translated into many languages and widely published in anthologies, magazines.
Lydia Davis was born in 1947 to a fiction writer and a book critic. In first grade she learned to read English. In second grade (in Austria) she learned to read German. Her books include The End of the Story, Varieties of Disturbance, Samuel Johnson is Indignant, Almost No Memory and Break It Down. Davis has translated Proust, Flaubert, Blanchot, Foucault, Michel leiris, Pierre Jean Jouve and other French authors. She is a professor of creative writing at SUNY-Albany.
Patrick James Dunagan lives in San Francisco. His writings have recently appeared in (or will be) Amerarcana, Fulcrum, Galatea Resurrects, Polis, and Rain Taxi. Post Apollo press will publish his first book: "There Are People Who Think That Painters Shouldn't Talk": A GUSTONBOOK in 2011.
Mark Goldstein first book, After Rilke; To Forget You Sang is a series of homophonic translations based on Rilke's, The Voices. Accompanying these translations are a set of letters Goldstein wrote in homage to the late American poet, Jack Spicer. In the spring of 2010, he facilitated a twelve-week course on Transltranslation at the Toronto New School of Writing. He lives in Toronto, Canada
Joe Hall's first book of poems is Pigafetta Is My Wife (Black Ocean Press 2010). Pigafetta has appeared on the Small Press Distribution Best Seller List and is a Poetry International Notable Book of the Year. His poetry and fiction have appeared in Gulf Goast, HTML Giant, Barrelhouse, Hayden's Ferry Review, Zone 3 and elsewhere. With Wade Fletcher he co-organizes the DC area reading series Cheryl's Gone. He currently teaches at the University of Maryland. He also no longer lives in a trailer park.
Cynthia Hogue has published seven collections of poetry, most recently Or Consequence and When the Water Came: Evacuees of Hurricane Katrina (interview-poems and photographs), both in 2010. Her critical works include the co-edited editions, Innovative Women Poets: An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry and Interviews (2006), and the first edition of H.D.’s The Sword Went Out to Sea (Synthesis of a Dream), by Delia Alton (2007).Courses Currently, she is working on a collection of essays entitled Wayward Thinking: Notes on Poetry and Poetics. She is the Maxine and Jonathan Marshall Chair in Modern and Contemporary Poetry at Arizona State University.
Eric Keenaghan is Associate Professor of English at the University at Albany, SUNY. He is the author of Queering Cold War Poetry: Ethics of Vulnerability in Cuba and the United States (Ohio State, 2009), and is a contributing author to several edited critical volumes, including Queer Exoticism: Examining the Queer Exotic Within (Cambridge Scholars, 2010), Ronald Johnson: Life and Works (National Poetry Foundation, 2008), as well as the forthcoming volumes (Re:)Working the Ground: Essays on the Late Writings of Robert Duncan (Palgrave Macmillan) and The Other Emerson: New Approaches, Divergent Paths (Minnesota). His essays on modernist poetry, Duncan, and other queer writers (Jack Spicer, Langston Hughes and Nicolás Guillén, Luis Cernuda), have appeared or are forthcoming in such journals as Translation Studies, The Translator, modernism/modernity, The Journal of Modern Literature, Contemporary Literature, and Wallace Stevens Journal.
Bernadette Mayer was born in 1945 in Brooklyn New York. She received her B.A. from the New School for Social Research in 1967. She is the author of numerous books of poetry and prose, including Scarlet Tanager (2005), Two Haloed Mourners: Poems (1998), Proper Name and Other Stories (1996), The Desires of Mothers to Please Others in Letters (1994), The Bernadette Mayer Reader (1992), Sonnets (1989), Midwinter Day (1982), The Golden Book of Words (1978), and Ceremony Latin (1964). From 1972 to 1974, Mayer and conceptual artist Vito Acconci edited the journal 0 TO 9. With her husband, writer and publisher Lewis Warsh, she edited United Artists Press. She has taught writing workshops at The Poetry Project at St. Mark's Church in New York City for many years and she served as the Poetry Project's director during the 1980s.
Travis Macdonald’s first book, The O Mission Repo (an erasure of The 9/11 Commission Report) is available from Fact-Simile Editions and his second collection, N7ostradamus, was recently released by BlazeVox Books. Basho’s Phonebook, an e-chap of experimental translations can be found online at E-ratio. Other work has appeared in 580 Split, Bombay Gin, Court Green, Hot Whiskey, Jacket, Little Red Leaves, Moria, Otoliths, Requited, Wheelhouse and elsewhere. He currently lives and works in Philadelphia, PA.
David Mills has won fellowships from Breadloaf and the Soros Foundation. He has poems published in Fence, Rattapallax, Jubilat, Callaloo and forthcoming in Ploughshares. His new book The Dream Detective is a small press bestseller.
Jay MillAr is a Toronto poet, editor, publisher, teacher and virtual bookseller. MillAr is the shadowy figure behind BookThug, a publishing house dedicated to exploratory work by well-known and emerging North American writers, as well as Apollinaire's Bookshoppe, a bookstore that specializes in the books no one wants to buy. Currently Jay teaches creative writing and poetics at George Brown College and Toronto New School of Writing.
Jena Osman books of poems include An Essay in Asterisks, and The Character. Her book The Network was a 2009 winner of the National Poetry Series and published by Fence Books in the fall of 2010. With Juliana Spahr, she founded and edited the award-winning and internationally recognized literary magazine Chain. She is a professor at Temple University.
Craig Santos Perez, a native Chamoru from the Pacific Island of Guahan (Guam), is the co-founder of Achiote Press and author of two poetry books: from unincorporated territory [hacha] (Tinfish Press, 2008) and from unincorporated territory [saina] (Omnidawn Publishing, 2010). He received the Poets & Writers California Writer’s Exchange Award in 2010. He earned an MFA from the University of San Francisco and is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Comparative Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley.
Lucyna Prostko was born in Poland. She graduated from the M.F.A. program at New York University, where she was awarded the New York Times Fellowship. Her poetry has appeared in various literary journals, including Fugue, Washington Square, Quiddity, Ellipsis, Salamander, Cutthroat and Five Points. Her first book of poems Infinite Beginnings, the winner of Bright Hill Press Poetry Competition, was published in June 2009.
Jill Schoolman, born in 1968, founded Archipelago Books in 2003 after working with Seven Stories Press for three years in the editorial department. She graduated from Yale University with a BA in Literature in '92 and studied English Literature at Oxford University from ’89-’90. She worked as an assistant film editor before entering the publishing world. (She also delivered pizzas on mopeds in Paris.) She was selected to participate in editors' exchange programs in France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Poland, and Catalonia. She is fluent in French and has a working knowledge of Spanish and Italian. She is the author of Down to the River, a novel published by Philippe Hunt Editeur in 1996. Archipelago Books is a not-for-profit press devoted to contemporary and classic international literature. The press has published over 65 titles in its first seven years.
Robert Shaw is the author of Solving for X, an award-winning collection of new poems. "Solving for X is droll and puzzled, elegiac and satirical in equal measure," writes Rachel Hadas. "Shaw's attention alights on a variety of more and less tangible things: a seed catalog, a shirt, a bad book, a request for a letter of recommendation, an irritating colleague's death which his masterfully packed lines then proceed to light up with deliberate and unforgettable authority." Shaw's previous books of poetry are The Post Office Murals Restored, Below the Surface, and The Wonder of Seeing Double. In addition to poetry, Shaw is currently working on a number of critical pieces, including a review of the collected poems of Robert Lowell, who was one of his teachers at Harvard University. He is also the author of a study of the poetry of John Donne and George Herbert. His poems and articles appear frequently in American and British magazines. Shaw regularly teaches poetry writing as well as courses in a number of areas of literature. Before coming to Mount Holyoke, Shaw taught at Harvard and Yale.
Sam Truitt is the author of the forthcoming Vertical Elegies 6: Street Mete (Station Hill, 2010) and the previously publishedVertical Elegies: Three Works (UDP, 2008), Vertical Elegies 5: The Section (Georgia, 2003) and Anamorphosis Eisenhower(Lost Roads, 1998), among other books.