two poems



How to Winter-Over the Begonia and The Ambience Engine


How To Winter-Over the Begonia

Say this: I give thanks for my bud vase
with four ounces of water which grows
my plant-cutting from October to May.
I give thanks for ocean beach sand
which grew the vase glass, and for stones
which grew the sand, and for layers sedimentary.
I am grateful for Gravity (the large kind) which affixed
sediment to mantle, and for anti-gravity.
I give thanks for that first budding universe
which grew all the gravities, all energy and matter
dark, cold. Say: I am the winter infinite.


The Ambience Engine

…………. on low volume
trickling unseen, drops dry
upon eardrums our ears molded
to custom-soft
we dream of Mild Showers
unnaturally steady
mud insectfree
……………. on mid-volume
tumbling to no bedrock
pouring our barrel
bodies over the smooth lips
of Slippery Self shelves
continental tectonic free-fall
no shale hit, no real neck
…………. on high volume
overriding chants of moons
full half quarter new
tiding on its own wave power
one Chariot Victory churning in
another close behind it
as if we could never drown
from ambient sound





Therese L. Broderick, MFA, MLS, has been active in Albany's poetry community for more than twelve years. She is an award-winning, published poet who teaches, judges, and volunteers for the Hudson Valley Writers Guild. Her photo blog, ''Poet Apace,'' can be found at




"Nature Boys"