Five Poems from The Low Pouring Stars MS

“A Disregard For Your False Anatomy”
“Easily Accessible Before”

from The Low Pouring Stars MS





George J. Farrah received an MFA  from Bard College, NY. His work has appeared in The Washington Review, Open 24 Hrs., Ribot, BUGHOUSE, Fourteen Hills, Disturbed Guillotine, Tight, Aileron, Fish Drum, The Columbia Poetry Review;  Caldron And Net, Moria , CROWD, Xstream, MORIA, Ampersand, Elimae,  Blaze VOX, BHOuse vol.2,  Blue and Yellow Dog, Experiential-Experimental-Literature, Gone Lawn, Los, Anemone Sidecar, Altered Scale, and others.  His full length book The Low Pouring Stars is forthcoming from Ravenna Press. The poems in this issue of Barzakh are selections from this book.





"One Smaller Touch for Mankind"