Sarah Yasin

Visiting Day at the Political Prison


If you went to prison

on charges of terrorism

(or cybernetic zombie trading;

the charges would totally be 

trumped up and everyone knows it),


I’d visit you once a year

on the solemnity of peter and paul

and in the private room

I’d give you things to touch

like cashmere and

rice and fine gold rings.


At the end of the visit I’d run

outside and bring back the most

important thing:

a loaf of bread with a

file inside.


I would invariably get caught,

be detained (every time

this would happen), and machines would

probe my body to locate

eucharistic contraband

no machine can ever detect,

and it would be part

of the ritual of visiting you


in your correction camp

on the solemnity of peter and paul.

Originally from the idyllic coast of Maine, Sarah Yasin presently lives inland where she studies world literature in translation using the public library. A facilitator of writing retreats, she is also a convenience store clerk. Her poetry can be found in Lydwine Journal and Rat’s Ass Review.


Ann Casapini


Lewis Maltby