Mike Callaghan

“Wings and Hold” with Two Poems 

“Wings and Hold”

“Wings and Hold”

in on that



out  /  it started out okay  /  that getting out  /  i could out  /  i would out 


out  /  and very out  /  to be out 


out  /  and didn't trust out




and barehanded



an apple can't eat an apple

awake and consenting


reduced < > distilled < > assessed

a critic can’t undo undue


rubbed wet-on-wet

simplicities go complex


fluorescent light you get for free 

at supermarkets and liquor stores

and chinese takeout


no fear of wasting it

being in at night

picking up buts


rainfall < > runoff

Mike Callaghan interrogates the subtlety of gesture and the subtlety of difference in a moment when frameworks of relationships are at once prominently visible and exhaustively hidden. His work has appeared in a number of publications, including ZYZZYVA, Der Greif, Crooked Teeth, Barzakh, Otoliths, Black Mountain Press and The Shanghai Literary Review. He earned an MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute.



David Somerset


Bruce Meyer