Thomas Osatchoff
“Mother and”, 2019, new media, 12” x 16”
“Such a 90s Fantasy”, 2019, new media, 12” x 16”
“What Does Apocalypse Say”, 2019, new media, 17” x 15”
“Then Traumatized sic Was Born”, 2016, new media
10” x 16”
“Novel”, 2019, new media, 17” x 11”
Thomas Osatchoff is looking for artists to collaborate with in the building of a double helix spiraling spinal cord staircase leading up from a cave and disappearing through a skylight with each vertebra having its own complex structure. Thomas, together with family, is building a self-sustaining home near a waterfall. Recent poems have appeared in Breakwater Review, Griffel, Tipton Poetry Journal, and elsewhere.