Charlotte Cosgrove


Smashable Hearts

Researchers recommend that the newly discovered glass frog be listed as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

It’s nearly August, wet season,
Time to come down–cautiously.
She lingers hopeful by a stream,
Hiding her belly on the leaves.

In just two jumps she can achieve
Near the full length of
Washington’s nose on Mount Rushmore.
A visible heart bounding through the sky.

Underneath you will see
Her guts, her liver, her lungs.
Nesting inside gossamer skin.
Sometimes you will see the beginning of babies.

Disguising herself from others—
A private investigator.
If you turn her over,
Her belly will tell you everything.

Her heart beats, see it, feel it.
Easily smashed.
She is clear–telling you to stop.
A colourful walnut—
With delicate strength.

Straight through the middle, a red line,
A tender slash.
Like the zip of a coat.
It is your warning.
Don’t cross the line.

Charlotte Cosgrove is a Poet and English Lecturer from Liverpool, England. Her work has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies online and in print. Charlotte is Founding Editor of Rough Diamond Poetry Journal. Her first poetry book Silent Violence with Petals will be published later in the year with Kelsay Books.


Jen Zweibel


Melissa Evans