Peycho Kanev

The Storm

The unhinged window bangs in the wind,
opened books on the desk flutter like
frightened birds
and the first drop falls on my palm,
then another one, soon enough the whole
sky is dark, dark and
she looks at me with a smirk amidst this
rayless world, the candles in her eyes
burn with promises for the approaching
night, the halo around the bulb and
over her head, blazing—
the feeling grows, fills up the room
and pushes me aside—
Then she herself is in the arena of
the bed, the audience clamors for more,
then I charge the red sheet, the white
page and all I can hear is Thank You
for all this, for making me part of everything
again, Thank You.

The Usual Ending

Through the nameless and long forgotten grave
digs a blind mole.

At the center of our galaxy, a black hole—

One body bag fits us

Peycho Kanev is the author of 10 poetry collections and three chapbooks, published in the USA and Europe. His poems have appeared in many literary magazines, such as Rattle, Poetry Quarterly, Evergreen Review, Front Porch Review, Hawaii Review, Barrow Street, Sheepshead Review, Off the Coast, The Adirondack Review, Sierra Nevada Review, The Cleveland Review and many others. His new book of poetry titled A Fake Memoir was published in 2022 by Cyberwit.


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