giclée on canvas. 67 x 83 cm. 2021
Rumi’s ghazal no. 163
giclée on canvas. 54 x 76 cm. 2021
La vita è bella.
giclée on canvas. 67 x 91 cm. 2021
Rachael-IA started life ten years ago as a collaborative project between a small Mexico-based collective (with members from México, Israel, United Kingdom and Italy) and The Goodwill Company of Guildford, UK (which provided the general cognition engine at the heart of the system) with the aim of developing a virtual artist able to take in an arbitrary text and return an “artistic” aesthetically-pleasing representation of it… a first stab at ekphrastic art if you will!
This is useful for two main reasons: it helps us understand the brain and human creativity, and it helps improve artificial intelligence systems. Rachael-IA uses vocabulary-reduction and a free-association of ideas between what the user writes and ekphrastic descriptions of a knowledge base of artworks, sentence by sentence. Once the visitor asks her to generate an image, she applies her painting skills to produce a new, original piece of art, representative of the text provided.
Much remains to be done—such as adding styles, textures, synesthesia and symbolism—and we are particularly keen to find collaborators in the arts & literary communities to help us expand the knowledge base of artworks and also to refine her “artistic skills.”
www.ekphrasis.net | IG: @ekphrastic_ai_art | Twitter: @EkphrasticA | facebook.com/ekphrasis.net