Ronald Walker
End of the Era 2 2
Approaching the End 1 2
Captive Audience
Make It Stand Out
History of Civilization 2
Kicking What Needs to be Kicked 2
The Divide 1
Ronald Walker is an artist living in the Sacramento area of California. His works combine his interest in the origins and functions of art along with life in the suburbs. Mr. Walker is not interested in depicting physical reality but rather his reactions to his environment from a psychological, emotional, and intellectual point of view. His work has been widely shown and is in a variety of collections, most recently added to the Consumnes River College Collection. Art helps him organize and balance the thoughts that bounce within his head. He hopes in some way you will find something in his work that makes your life just a bit more enjoyable! Mr. Walker holds both an MFA (University of Kansas) and a MA degree (University of Central Missouri) in painting. He both teaches art and paints for a living.