Matthew Klane

Day and Night

junk mail collage. 8"x 10". 2019-2021

Right Triangle

junk mail collage. 8" x 10". 2019-2021


junk mail collage. 8" x 10". 2019-2021

Matthew Klane is co-founder of Flim Forum Press. He has an MA in Poetics from SUNY Buffalo and an MFA in Poetry from the Iowa Writers' Workshop. His books of poetry include Hist (w/ James Belflower, forthcoming from Calamari 2022), Canyons (w/ James Belflower, Flimb Press 2016), Che (Stockport Flats 2013), and B (Stockport Flats 2008). An e-chapbook from Of the Day is online at Delete Press, an e-book My is online at Fence Digital, and a chapbook Poetical Sketches is available from The Magnificent Field. He currently lives, writes, and glues paper onto paper in Albany, NY. See:


Sara Alonge


Madeline Weste