Sara Alonge

Untitled (Home)

archival inkjet print. 18” x 22". 2021

Of Ana (64 Oakwood Ave, Apt B '16-'17)

archival inkjet print. 18” x 22". 2021

Untitled (dirt poor)

dimensions vary. dirt, blood, hair, spit, and nail clippings 2022

People Are Made of Landscapes

dirt, weeds, and paint on canvas. 5” x 7". 2020


dirt, sticks, glue, and paint on wood panel. 5” x 7”. 2021

The Impassioned Inhabitant

archival inkjet print. 18” x 22". 2020

Sara Alonge is an interdisciplinary artist from Troy, NY. Her work engages with her tumultuous relationship with the idea of home. She digs to collect the earth of the myriad places she has lived and, within these samplings, her blood, spit, hair, and nails are mixed to finally create a lasting physical bond with the land. These materials are turned into temporary floor drawings, paintings, and faulty mud bricks. She received her MFA from SUNY Albany in '22 where she also taught Photography, as well as her BA in Studio Art in '18.


Ann-Marie Brown


Matthew Klane