Alex Mihalko

Looking East

pencil, pen and ink, marker, and tape on bristol paper. 11” x 14.” 2022

Drawing Parallels

pencil, pen and ink, marker, and tape on bristol paper. 11” x 14.” 2022

Born and raised in California, Alex Mihalko grew a fascination for the state's cultural and geographical variety, which led to a deep interest in the specificity of locations and a compulsion to record his surroundings through drawing and painting. His works are a deconstruction and reorganization of features from both the manmade and natural world, where he explores the relationship of this dichotomy through dense compositions that combine both representation and abstraction. Mihalko currently lives and works in Los Angeles, CA, and attends The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where he is slated to graduate with a BA in art in 2023. To view more of his work, please visit his website.


Davidson Sauveur


Erik Carrigan