Nancy Abbas
Bring tears away with a quick tongue.
Diamonds are here in blue Sky and water,
sucked into the horizon, and don't say it's all a dream.
There's hate and adoration in the cloud,
This is how I live and this is how I will die,
If they are deaf to me, I’ll call you back.
I accidentally mean something.
I can’t distinguish the forms in the cloud
Maybe in the smoking room at the airport
Maybe in the dugout or maybe in the sights,
Maybe in heaven, maybe in hell.
The streets are floating in the heat,
Past in iron canoes.
Beauties with aloe eyes rush,
This is not living, this is a photo wallpaper
Removed to shit, I need an escort.
The weather is whispering I'm stuck,
dazed But my eyelids stick together like Choco Pie,
I jump into a car and a fragrant effervescent tablet.
I disappear into the tinted air.
Teremok with castle,
no longer a castled king.
I'm smoking at the ceiling, a bullet in the forehead.
I'm still sleeping.
I'll wake up when I'm dead,
I'm southeast I set myself on fire,
Tell me,
Shok shop shap shap
So, keep your mouth shut.
Nancy Abbas is an English major driven to challenge the status quo through her critical examination of societal issues. Nancy's narratives are crafted to be impactful and thought-provoking, serving as a catalyst for change.